Minimizing the environmental impact of our production activity by optimizing energy consumption is one of Nufri's goals. The continuous improvement of our facilities is the only way. Latest projects:
SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT, has been granted an aid of 73,350.90 € for its energy saving and efficiency project "Energy saving in the decrease of COD of the sewage treatment plant" through the INSTITUTE OF DIVERSIFICATION AND SAVING OF ENERGY (IDAE), aid co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020. The essential objective of the project is the implementation of a system for the separation of essential oils from the citrus squeezing process with the use of centrifuges and the installation of AEROFLO flotation turbines that will allow the reduction of COD at the inlet of the aeration ponds. This action has involved SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT to carry out an investment of 249,803 Euros.
SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT, has been granted an aid of 65,400 € for its energy saving and efficiency project "Replacement of centrifuges for pulping" through the INSTITUTO DE DIVERSIFICACIÓN Y AHORRO DE LA ENERGÍA (IDAE), aid co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is the replacement of 4 centrifuges by a single one with higher energy efficiency, driven by frequency converter and with the same capacity to process juice as the current ones. This action has meant to SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT to carry out an investment of 318,000 Euros.
SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT, has been granted an aid of 66,734.10 € for its energy saving and efficiency project "Energy saving in the process of decanting and concentration of fruit juice" through the INSTITUTE OF DIVERSIFICATION AND SAVING OF ENERGY (IDAE), aid co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is the replacement of the current decanter with two new decanters, which will guarantee continuous operation at nominal flow rates, optimizing the operation of the concentrator equipment, resulting in significant savings in steam consumption. This action has meant to SAT N 1596 NUFRI RESP LIMIT to carry out an investment of 322,447 Euros.